Aylesbury RPG


Tradition must be respected, for it is the voice of our ancestors.

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The Town of Grireresi is a small market town located on the border between Thanbor and Berrogia.

It mainly deals in small wares, some precious metals and gemstones found in the mines located close to town and basic weapons and mining equipment supplied byArywins Blade.

The town has a tall clock tower that has been there for longer than people can remember it is maintained by a female elf by the name of Aelar Carlen

The fort its self used to be a temple and its been said that the town was built around the temple before it was converted into a fort.

There are varuis farms located outsideĀ  the walls which provide the town with plenty of food.

The cemetary houses familys of the town and has been their resting place since its founding.


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