Aylesbury RPG

Thanborian Empire

Tradition must be respected, for it is the voice of our ancestors.

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The Thanborian Federation is an resonably large country with a population consisting mostly of dwarves.

Bordered between Berrogian Empire to the East, and surrounded by the Barren Seas on all other sides, the country of Thanbor is best known for their excellent artisans, high grade weapons and their mines of rare materials.

Thanbor itself is mainly covered in vast green flatlands and has a dry climate, which has lead to a lightly spread population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in outposts and fort towns.
The country’s landscape is stunning; dramatic mountain views, red leaved trees and emerald forests are just a sliver of the magnificence Thanbor has to offer, which is why the country is favoured among foreigners, that and the specialized weapons and rare materials.
The people of Thanbor are gracious towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with warm food. They feel foreigners could advance the country’s well being.
Thanbor has firm laws and law enforcement, which is to be expected. The people are friendly due to their skills and powers, thanks to inherited lands.
This is also reflected in the country’s flag, which has two horizontal stripes and a star in purple, light brown, grey and blue. Their coat of arms is a castle above a river.
Thanbors past is a bloody one, fraught with warring provinces over the rare materials. The mountains stained in years worth of bloody conflicts, eventually a compromise was met and the Federation was born.
After many years of conflict the new found Federation required extra labour as most of their lower classes had been sent into wars by the various provincial kings, their answer was to take advantage of the much smaller country of Berrog, the impressionable Orc tribes were easy to persuade, lie to and subdue.
The Thanborian empire occupied the Orc territory for over 100 years using their people as slaves in the mines and raping their lands for resources, until a great Orc by the name of Zilge, banded the Tribes together to fight against their occupiers.
The Orc’s call this the “age of Turning” and over the course of 30 years pushed out their occupiers. Zilge now known as War Leader Zilge or Zilge the Great eventually captured some of the Thanborian council members in an assault on the city of Fladow forcing the Thanborian Council into talks with the Orcs.
The council members had changed over the years and fortunately the new members saw no reason to continue the occupation as it was seen to be a war started by their ancestors for all the wrong reasons.
The new council members came to an agreement with the now newly named Berrogian Empire to withdraw from the Berrog. This caused some backlash on both sides with the nobles of Thanbor complaining that they will have to now pay for labour as well as losing access to rich mines within the Empire.
The Berrogian people after being enslaved and used for many years held a grudge against the Thanborians and the rest of the world as no one took any action to help them.
Over 100 years the Thanborians became a much more peaceful race becoming a much friendlier people, learning from past mistakes and becoming world renowned artisans.
In secret the Berrogians had slowly been rebuilding their military might, a once peaceful society had been pushed too far and do not forgive, the words of the Great Zilge now lost to time they started taking back terratories that long ago belonged to them. The Thanborians have turned a blind eye to the loss of the smaller towns hoping it will appease the Orcs.
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