Aylesbury RPG

Wentisian Commonwealth

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The country of Wentis is a large country with a population of 4.9M once made up of seperate waring provinces they were united under the grand council to form the Wentisian Commonwealth.

Wentis itself is mainly covered in rich woodlands and has a temperate climate, which has lead to a freely spread population, despite the number of people, which means most of them live in tiny towns.

The country’s landscape is elegant; relaxing hot springs, luscious fields and half frozen rivers are just a sliver of the majesty Wentis has to offer, which is why the country is cherished among foreigners.
The people of Wentis are loving towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with a bright smile. They feel foreigners could contribute to the country’s well being.

Wentis has strict laws and law enforcement, which is quite normal. The people are agitated due to ferocious wildlife, caused by natural disasters

This is also reflected in the country’s flag, which has five circles. Their coat of arms is a bow and arrow on top of five stripes, the stripes representing the five noble houses that helped form the commonwealth.

The small islands scattered in the eastern sea boast some of the most unique wildelife around and are favored spots for sight seers and trophy hunters.

The Larger island of Zorus only half inhabited by the Westisian’s has a border with the hostile Berrogian Empire although not in a direct conflict with the empire there have been some border skirmishes resulting in some instability in the area.

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